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Faces of PUC: Christian Junior De Jesus

Student Profile

Faces of PUC: Christian Junior De Jesus

Sophomore student Christian Junior De Jesus is a BBA finance major and communication minor from Manchester, New Hampshire. He dreams of being the CEO/Founder of a Fortune 500 company and is passionate about entrepreneurship. His favorite thing about being a part of the Pioneers family is being an RA, the friendships he’s made, and events at PUC.

What is your dream job? 

CEO/Founder of a Fortune 500 company

How does that compare to what you wanted to be when you were young? 

I wanted to be a computer engineer like my father, but as I grew older I realized that it wasn’t my life purpose.

What is your favorite thing about being a part of the Pioneers family? 

The RA life, friendships I make, and events I participate in.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

New York City because the skyscrapers remind me of what I can accomplish in life.

 If you had to be trapped in a movie for a day, what movie would you choose?

The 300

What is something you’re passionate about? 

Entrepreneurship and Personality Systems 

Recommend a place to go in the Bay Area on a weekend 

Santa Clara

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