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Four Benefits of Online College Counseling


Four Benefits of Online College Counseling

It’s no secret that the college admissions process can be confusing, stressful, and expensive. With all the variables out there, it’s no wonder that more and more people are seeking online college counseling. Online college counseling can be a great way to squeeze the arduous process of planning for and applying to college into the busy life of a teenager!

While the college admissions process has gotten harder, there is some good news: the availability of high quality online college counseling has increased dramatically. There are many qualified individual college counselors and college counseling firms out there that can help you through this process. Whether you want some to walk you through every step of the way or you just need a little guidance here and there, online college counseling can be a great way to get some extra support as you tackle the process of planning for and applying to college.

What is online college counseling?

Online college counseling can look a little different depending on who your counselor is and how they like to do things. That being said, most online college counseling has a few elements in common. Most counselors will conduct one-on-one meetings with the student, or small group meetings with the student and their parents, via Zoom, FaceTime, or other video conferencing software. Counselors who help with essays will often use GoogleDocs or another cloud-based editing software to share and give feedback about essays. Counselors will often use GoogleSheets or a software designed especially for online college counseling to help families stay organized. Finally, online college counselors often have an abundance of online resources to share with families as families are navigating this process.

Online college counseling is convenient and accessible

Between school, work, homework, extracurricular activities, home responsibilities, and occasionally relaxing, high school students are busy. And that’s all before you throw in college prep on top! Students who use online college counseling can access the benefit of working one-on-one with a seasoned professional from their home, school, or wherever they happen to be. Not only does this cut down on commuting, it allows students to maintain their schedule of online college counseling meetings even while traveling for college visits, family vacations, or other opportunities.

Online college counseling may be less intimidating

Some students may find it very intimidating to talk to a college counselor. That is very understandable! In order for a college counselor to be able to help a student, the student has to be open and honest with the counselor. This alone is enough to make some students feel nervous. Add on the fact that the subject at hand is the student’s entire future, and many high schoolers might be a little scared to speak with a college counselor.

When students opt for online college counseling, the meetings can take place in a setting students are familiar with, whether that’s their home, school, or somewhere else. They also get to use technology that is familiar and comfortable to them. Talking about the future can be scary, but choosing online college counseling can make students feel a little more comfortable.

Counselors maintain an understanding of the national landscape

As the college admissions process has gotten more competitive, students often find themselves competing for spots with peers from across the country. This is even more true for students aiming for the top colleges and universities. Counselors who work primarily or exclusively online are much more likely to be working with a clientele across a broad geographic area. This allows the counselor to keep in touch with trends across the country. Since students are competing nationally, online college counseling can help them get a sense of their competition beyond their immediate local area.

The rest of the process is also taking place online

High school students access their grades and transcripts online. Some standardized tests are taken online. They research colleges online and may even make use of virtual tours and online information sessions. The college applications themselves are all hosted online. With the entire college application landscape housed on the internet, online college counseling just makes sense. Working with someone online actually helps students access the information they need more easily than sitting next to someone would.

Need more advice on your college applications?

The team at Great College Advice has deep experience in guiding students along the road from high school college. We provide individually tailored, one-on-one advising to help young people achieve their educational ambitions. If you’d like more information about our services, contact us for a free consultation. Or just pick up the phone and call us at 720.279.7577.  We’d be happy to chat with you.


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