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Senior Spotlight: Jeremy Jim Madrio 

Student Profile

Senior Spotlight: Jeremy Jim Madrio 

This week’s senior spotlight is Jeremy Jim Madrio from Lincoln, CA, who majors in management information systems. When Jeremy was in high school and deciding on where to attend college, being an SDA, Jeremy wanted to be able to experience an Adventist institution where he could learn and grow closer to God, so he chose PUC.   

What is your dream job?  

I want to be able to have a job or own a company where I can make a positive impact on society through information technology/systems. 

How does that compare to what you wanted to be when you were young?  

When I was younger, I always thought I was going to become an engineer because mostly I wanted to follow what my dad did. But that quickly changed after the first two weeks of taking college physics and an engineering class. At some point, I also wanted to be a videogame designer or someone who makes unboxing videos on YouTube. 

Do you have a favorite class you’ve taken at PUC? If so, what class and why? 

All my classes here at PUC were really good, but one class that comes to mind that I have enjoyed is Themes in Literature, taught by Dr. Morton. Although english classes are usually not my favorite, I enjoyed this class because the topics were really interesting and it really challenged me to think. Overall, it taught me to become a better learner.

What are you going to miss the most about PUC? 

I’m going to miss the connections that you make and the spiritual life that you can grow while at PUC. Also, the many things you can get involved in.

What is your favorite thing about being a part of the Pioneers family?  

My favorite thing about being a part of the Pioneers family are the connections we are able to make, and the opportunities that we can obtain. 

Where is your favorite place in the world?  

Any place with family and friends.  

If you had to be trapped in a movie for a day, what movie would you choose?  

The Incredibles, because that was my favorite movie as a kid and why wouldn’t it be fun to see all the character’s superpowers. 

What is something you’re passionate about?  

Anything music related. Especially singing with the group I’m a part of, outside of school, called Attuned to Praise. 

Recommend a place to go in the Bay Area on a weekend  

The Golden Gate Bridge is a cool sight to see. 

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