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College Possible Oregon joins SOLVE Oregon for a neighborhood cleanup on Make a Difference Day

At the start of each school year, the College Possible Oregon team participates in a community service day. Traditionally called “Make a Difference Day,” this annual event is an opportunity for the College Possible team to meet our neighbors in the Portland metro area and contribute to a culture of volunteerism and community engagement.

This year, the team joined SOLVE Oregon for a neighborhood litter cleanup in northwest Portland. Litter cleanups are an effective way to steward our shared spaces and protect the environment. SOLVE makes it simple for volunteers to register for cleanup days and provides safety guidance and equipment like gloves and grabbers. With more than thirty College Possible team members in attendance, the crew was able to cover a sizable section of the Alphabet District and Nob Hill neighborhoods.

Development associate Tuyen poses with trash grabber

Reflecting on the day, Program Events Coordinator Jocelin Sanchez said, “I am very grateful to have the opportunity to come together as one to give back to our local community. I was so happy to see all of College Possible Oregon in colorful vests spread across the city. It was a perfect, crisp Saturday morning to pick up trash!”


Many thanks to the team for stepping out to volunteer and to SOLVE Oregon for hosting the cleanup day.

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