The People Make the Place

Hello! My name is Maya Kollme, and this is my first blog post with ISA. Thank you for having me! I’ve been in Prague, Czech Republic, for a little over a month, and these have been some of the most eye-opening and jaw-dropping few weeks of my life.

My fellow ISA buddies and I have traveled to Poland, Vienna, Budapest, Copenhagen, and more. The travels have been awesome, and Prague has been such a unique place to live. I could go on about how cool the places I’ve seen are, but the reason I’ve had such a delightful time is because of the people I’ve met along the way.

I entered the program by myself, which led me to live with three strangers and meet seven more right when I landed. The 11 of us were immediately glued to the hip, as we were not familiar with our new surroundings and did not know what the city had in store for us. Although being around total strangers sounds scary and awkward, I realized there is so much beauty in the opportunities that come with it due to the uniqueness each individual brings to the table.

I made it my mission to get to know my fellow travelers beyond the surface level and to create intentional and genuine connections with all of them. They can tell you—I asked questions ranging from spirit animals, most embarrassing stories, and love languages to favorite things about themselves. Today’s society normalizes short, surface-level conversations and relationships, but knowing the little and random details about a person deepens your understanding of them and, therefore, your relationship. 

Because of these interactions, I discovered the most obscure and random things about these people: like how Robbie is secretly really dorky when it comes to castles, which shows his curiosity and eagerness to learn. Or Ava claiming she hates the song “Sweet Home Alabama,” but she’s the first one to sing it every time it comes on. I’ve never met anyone so passionate about the state of Kentucky as Skaggs, or anyone who willingly calls a dance move of theirs the “freak show” like Brennan. These little things add up, and the label of strangers disappeared in the blink of an eye.

My apartment made a shared Spotify playlist called “Prague apartment awesome happy,” which is an accurate description of how living with my roommates Camille, Camila, and Ava has been. Ava said we were each a quarter of a whole, all fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces. She was right. Camille is selfless, accommodates everyone, and has everyone’s best interest in mind. Ava, who comes off as tough and assertive, is affectionate, warm-hearted, and caring. We would all be lost without her. Camila is selective with her energy—which is sincere, purposeful, and wise—which makes having a connection with her so much deeper. These distinctive traits mix so well together. Although we are all so different, our awesome happy playlist proves that you can form a connection with anyone if you try.

My point is this: Europe is remarkable, but the experience comes from the people. No matter where you are or what you are doing, if you surround yourself with the right people, you will gain so much more out of everything. My cup is overflowing, and I am so thankful that ISA and Prague gifted me with these wonderful 10 humans. Without it, I wouldn’t have experienced Grace’s ability to not take things too seriously, like the time we got stuck in the transition area of the train, or Nate’s attentive, fun personality and vibrant energy. I’ve learned to be more secure in my skin like Morgan, observant and inclusive like David, and balanced between being childish and genuine like Brennan.

I encourage you to put in effort to get to know the little things about others and form new relationships. The place is a major part of any experience, but the people you surround yourself with create the most intimate and memorable impact.

Maya Kollme is a student at James Madison University and an ISA Featured Photo Blogger. She is studying with ISA in Prague, Czech Republic.

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