Finding our Role as Advisors

Ever encounter those moments in life, when time stands still, and for a fraction of a second, we see pain in another person’s eyes? As an advisor we never know what a student appointment will look like. One moment we are visionaries working with students to complete their degree plan, and thus fulfilling their dreams. The next moment a student shares, “I want to finish school, but I am now homeless.” Or how about those times when a student looks at you and says, “How are you going to fix it?” because unfortunately the Higher Education system failed them in some way.

Our profession is one that involves the ability to ride the waves of emotions and be able to pivot from a happy conversation to a life changing one all within the same hour.  It is here that perspective is key. Understanding our purpose and how we “fit “within the organization can empower us to continue to touch generations of students.

In Education where change is swiftly happening the organizational chart really is a narrative. It displays the characters in a story of campus life, staff obligations, whose who, and with each turn of the page clarity comes into view.

It is in this narrative that reality comes into focus with dreams. Our campuses’ populations may vary, but our roles as advisors are similar. Students come with their own set of dreams, faculty members are focused on pursuing their research, and we as advisors and staff, are finding our place in a hierarchical realm. All the while being the doorway for students and their success, partnering with faculty to make sure their teaching and research is smooth & fructuous, and yet working to find our voice and see our own career/personal goals accomplished.

It is in fact a small kingdom that influences the world. We are gatekeepers for the next generation. It is us who are writing the pages in real time of what “academic” pursuits look like for the current and next generation through advising. We hear their stories and help plan their route to graduation. This narrative has many chapters, some named, and others simply outlined for a future date of accomplishment. Wherever we fall within the “org chart” it is not our “station” but a fluid location as we work together to make this integral plot a reality. The World of Academia in many ways is a dance for students and a changing of the guards for staff & faculty. We (staff & faculty) capture the interest of the students and help them dance the hallowed halls of knowledge. At the same time a changing of the guards reflects a change in leadership goals as programs adjust, staff members are hired, faculty pursue research, and others retire out. It is a never-ending story, but unless we understand and view the narrative and data as one piece, we will never understand the full picture of what is happening here in the World of Academia and where we “fit.”

Penny Thies
Academic Success Coach
University of Kansas

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