Personal Wellness at the conference

I love going to conferences. Whether it is an opportunity to learn more about an area, get insight and solutions to a challenge I’m facing, or just reconnecting with my #NACADAfamily scattered across the country and the globe, conferences are exciting. Whether we have a preference for extroversion or introversion, conferences can be a place to learn, recharge, and reconnect.

Conferences can also be tiring, draining, and overwhelming. And, if you are attending virtually, there are considerations like Zoom fatigue, sitting too long, and the challenge of connecting with other attendees when you aren’t in the same physical space.

So how do you balance your wellness while at Annual conference? Don’t worry. As part of your #NACADAfamily, we are here for you.

Carrie Egnosak and Edna Renee Macbeth are your Health and Wellness co-chairs for the Pittsburgh Annual conference. We will coordinate activities and create spaces for you to engage with your health, wellness, and creativity while you are at the conference. This is to encourage self-care, stress relief, re-charging, and finding/engaging with your Community of Care in NACADA. In particular we want to be sure that all attendees have space to care for their whole self while participating in the professional development opportunity that is the NACADA annual conference. Even, maybe especially, if you are attending virtually.

Over the next few months, you’ll learn more about the conference as well as opportunities to engage and to care for yourself. There will be future blog posts from us previewing wellness opportunities and tips for making the most of the conference, both in person and virtually!

Wishing you health and wellness for Pittsburgh and beyond.

Edna Renee Macbeth

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