Alumni Blog: Mackenzie Endersen

Stories that Shaped Us: The world of London fashion

Mackenzie Endersen is an ISA London alumna and current ISA/TEAN Global Ambassador at Bethel University whose experience abroad during Spring 2022 opened doors to connections and experiences in the fashion industry.

We reached out to learn more about why she chose to go abroad with ISA England and to learn about her time working as an intern.

What was your process in choosing an internship? Why did you want to pursue an

ME: I decided to pursue an internship purely for the experience and connections I could make in the business/ fashion industry in London. My home university does not take outside internships but in many cases, you can get credit for this. Through the University of Westminster, I meet with Natalie in their office via zoom to discuss what I would like to do as an intern, I then sent in my final CV. In the following weeks, I received interview offers from several companies. I started my internship the week after I arrived in London and it truly was a highlight of my study abroad
experience. I ended up interning at Janet Thurston Fashion Agency. My internship was also
located on Portobello Road, which is a perk!

Portobello Road Food Stands! Got some street food with friends right after work
We went on an ISA tour of Landmarks and Tower of London

In what ways has your internship prepared you for the future?
ME: My internship was one of the biggest influences on my future career. I learned more in these 5 months than in most of my classes throughout my college career. I had always thought ofworking in the fashion industry on the buyer/ seller side. It gave me a better understanding of
the industry, and how to make connections, and I also saw how multiple different positions work.
I plan to work for a couple of years after graduation (I graduate in May) and then get my
master’s in Fashion Business Management.

Dinner in Paris at Chez Pippo

What experiences have you had throughout your program that have had a big impact
on your life?

ME: This entire experience has completely changed my life, so cliche, but true. I was able to expand
my understanding of the world, work in an industry that I now want to work in the future, as well
as a lifetime of memories with some amazing people. I was able to travel to Europe and expand
my knowledge as well as get out of my comfort zone. Traveling really allows you to develop
yourself. Going to London by myself allowed me to have a fresh start and grow. Working in the
fashion industry showed me the skills I need to work on as well as how diverse this industry is.
You must be able to multitask and do so many different jobs. I can not write how much I loved
this experience, it was truly a special time in my life.

Some pictures of my new friends and I at the Emirates Cable Cars

What was it like adapting to a new culture? What challenges did you face?
ME: Public Transportation was very new to me- being from Minnesota where there is basically no public transit, this was a challenge. This said, there are so many apps and you are not alone.
Reach out to your ISA staff and ask these questions, they are there to help you. Always have
your phone charged or have a charger on you in case of an emergency. You will figure it out,
within two weeks I had my daily routes memorized and knew how to read the tube maps/ knew
different areas. As well as the ability to use a city mapper to get anywhere.

Any advice you’d give students interested in a global experience?
ME: Do it!! I do not know of anyone who regrets their choice to study abroad. Being open to this
experience is the first step. I met so many amazing people, got to travel Europe, and fell in love
with a beautiful country. The genuine happiness I felt during my semester in London was like
nothing I felt before.

The beautiful views of London

Curious to hear more from ISA/TEAN alumni? Read more blogs from England Alumni or explore about the benefits of adding international work experience to your resume.

Inspired by Mackenzie’s journey and want to discover your own while immersing yourself in a study abroad program? Fill out your details below to let our team know and we’ll help you find your adventure today!

Author: International Studies Abroad (ISA)

Since 1987, International Studies Abroad (ISA) has provided college students in the United States and Canada the opportunity to explore the world. ISA offers a wide variety of study abroad programs at accredited schools and universities in 73 program locations throughout the world.

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