Leading With Heart

I like using Asana* to manage tasks and projects. I recently discovered their blog, which I have enjoyed reading each morning. This post on remote work leadership stuck out for me, especially the term “Heartitude.” This concept is especially important as we Registrars often have to deliver news (good, bad, and other) to students. My staff are (right now!) delivering an important update to students who applied to graduate this spring, and we all know that not everyone makes it across that stage. We specifically prepared to deliver the news with heartitude.

I think this is especially important in the context of Strategic Enrolment Management. A key component of our SEM plan is to help students have a sense of belonging at TWU. Delivering news in a cold, dispassionate way is a sure-fire way of making someone feel like an outsider. But if our students are part of TWU, we owe it to them to treat them like full members, which means we treat them like one of us. In the example of sending bad news to grad applicants we had to tell some they are not eligible, but we didn’t drop that anvil on them like Wiley Coyote. We gave them hope by telling them how they could move forward, e.g., view your grad audit for specific details marked in red, talk to your advisor, update your transfer credit, etc. I specifically liked how our Associate Registrar, Emily Greenhalgh, wrote: “If this is a surprise to you, please know that we are here to help – talk to us!”

Our Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, is world famous for her heartfelt leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia. She has been an inspiration to me. I hope you wear your heart on your sleeve today as you lead your areas.

*I use the free version, and I am not promoting Asana for any kickbacks or personal benefits. I have no illusions of becoming an “influencer.”

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