3 ResLife RA Quick Tips for a New Staff Member

Roompact’s “Quick Tips” series highlights ideas and suggestions you can put into your practice as either a professional staff or student staff member working in residence life and education. Click to read more from the series.

As a new RA, you are tasked with many competing demands and expectations from not only your academics, but your new colleagues and supervisor. When starting your new position, keep these three quick tips in mind for a successful and balanced transition to your new role. Remember, those around you want you to succeed!

1. The most important aspect of your job is building relationships.

RAs are placed in a unique position on campus. You have the perspective of a student, but an elevated insight to campus resources. With this knowledge comes responsibility. Your fellow residents, and your supervisor, will rely on you to share and disperse this information throughout your community. In order for you to do this successfully, you must first build relationships with your residents. Cultivating connections in your community will help create a sense of belonging for new residents, and establish trust in your relationships before students come to you for help and your campus expertise.

2. Time management is key.

As previously stated, as an RA you will have many competing demands in your life. Whether it is completing roommate agreements, hosting a floor event, or finishing your essay for economics, there is always something to be done. To combat these contending priorities, time management is key. Designating specific time for individual tasks will help keep your schedule organized and prevent you from spending time wondering what to do next. Be sure to include some time for self-care in your schedule as well. 

3. Approach your job as a learning experience.

While you are an academic student, you are now also a student employee. With this title comes responsibility. However, “student” is in your title – you are still learning. Expect to make mistakes, but hold yourself accountable to learn from them. Advocating for your residents is a difficult task, but well worth the challenge.

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