
What’s Your “Ideal” Job?

What career conversations have you had lately? This week I’m grateful for a conversation I had with my boss who asked: What I might be interested in working towards? How do I want to build my professional path? And what areas am I interested in as I develop my own career growth plan?

I decided to go back to the digital logs to see if and how I might have answered these questions in the past.This post from circa 2016, seems to resonate with my own work interests and what I love to work on (sans the higher education domain).

Here are the things I love and what sparks joy in my daily work life:

  • The opportunity to research the challenges/barriers facing our learning landscapes…i.e. new ideas of learning, learning delivery, and approaches to educational models impacting us now and in the future…
  • The ability to apply research into practice...emerging ideas for learning and research is exciting to me.
  • The opportunity for community building and network development to enhance the work... a broader vision that can offer an avenue for social sharing/learning; considering these contributions beyond a space or place (i.e. conference, event, etc.) to allow for on-going dialogues; being a central hub to cross-pollinate ideas…
  • Being encouraged to collaborate and support design thinking as a process for innovation within a team…

What brings you joy at work? What actions and verbs do you want to lead with in your job?


Have you ever been asked to describe your “ideal” job? Sometimes this comes up in a traditional job interview. Or perhaps you had someone (a teacher, family member, or friend) just ask you about your career goals. Have you thought about what sort of work drives you? Do you know what sort of “job” you are looking for in your field that best fits you? How does work design impact what you do daily? What inspires you in your day-to-day work? How do you prefer to function and perform?
These are questions I have asked for years. We spend a lot of time in the world of work. So, it’s a natural to want to know about goals and purpose as a student discusses courses in an academic advising appointment. And it is even more intentional as I have worked with undecided majors and first-year students (undergraduate and graduate)…

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