Abroad in Costa Rica: A Reflection

As my time abroad comes to an end, I find myself engulfed in an array of emotions. Upon leaving the U.S. in September, I told myself I was ready for whatever life threw my way, determined to thoroughly enjoy the experience. I can now confidently say I did exactly that and cherished every moment. Throughout my journey, I found myself immersed, both in thrilling adventure and profound character development.

I truly believe that I got as much as I could from my time in Costa Rica. Between becoming more familiar with the language, culture, activities, area, and food, I feel like I’ve found a second home here. I feel completely comfortable having adapted to my new surroundings and the great, welcoming environment that is Costa Rica.

From the moment I walked out of the airport, Costa Rica’s vibrant energy captivated me. From taking in the diverse landscapes of protected national parks with their plethora of blooming wildlife, exploring dense cloud forests, and seeing breathtaking waterfalls, to simply meandering through the heart of the city in San José, Costa Rica is a genuine place of tranquility and peace.

Rio Savegre trip taken with my class to learn about ecology and environmental impact.

Continuously working on my Spanish within the community has been an incredible highlight that’s opened new avenues to deeper, more personal connections. The enriching ideology of “pura vida” taken from the locals—not just a phrase, but a way of life—has helped me grow as a person and a student in ways I never thought imaginable. I plan to continue to integrate this in into my life back home to keep a level-headed mind and appreciate everything to the fullest. 

While this semester may not have been the most academically rigorous, I’m leaving with priceless information obtained through engaging in dialogue, celebrating differences, and appreciating diversity. These facets have led me to a new understanding of environmental preservation and a fresh outlook on our climate.

Living in a different culture challenged my perspective on everything I thought I knew about the world prior to traveling. I was able to push myself outside of my comfort zone and embrace the uncertainty of what the next adventure would bring. Adapting to unfamiliar situations was a humbling yet rewarding experience that will stick with me for life.

A hidden access that leads to one of the most beautiful and secluded beaches in Costa Rica.

Finally, the friendships created during my time will be a lifelong part of who I am. Sharing unique experiences with my family away from home has solidified my idea of what it means to support one another through highs and lows that, in the end, establish unbreakable bonds.

As I reflect on my semester abroad, I’m grateful for my various opportunities in and outside of school. I have a deep appreciation for my host family, roommate, and more holistic view of travel. This time has been more than an academic semester abroad; it has been a beautiful endeavor that I would strongly encourage all to do.

Alex Zinn is a student at the University of Colorado Boulder and an ISA Featured Blogger. He is studying with ISA in San Jose, Costa Rica.

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