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End Rape on Campus, an initiative of the nonprofit Civic Nation, released a new digital tool Wednesday that allows users to compare the sexual assault statistics and policies of different college and universities. Called the Campus Accountability Map and Tool, the resource includes data on 750 institutions across the United States.

For each college or university on the map, the tool uses data from the U.S. Department of Education to show how many rapes, fondlings, instances of domestic violence, instances of dating violence and stalking incidents had occurred on campus between 2018 and 2020. It also notes whether the institutions’ sexual assault policies, investigation procedures, prevention efforts, survivor supports and accessibility meet EROC’s standards.

The new tool “puts campus accountability on the map to empower students with the resources students need—statistics, prevention efforts and survivor support resources—all in one location,” said Kenyora Parham, executive director of End Rape On Campus, in a press release. “We hope this resource will provide support and recourse for survivors, as well as information for all students and advocates to help them continue to hold their institutions accountable.”

EROC hopes the tool will help push colleges to standardize sexual assault policies and procedures, which remain inconsistent. For example, only 58 percent of institutions provide what EROC considers a comprehensive definition of consent. Many campuses also lack important resources for survivors, EROC noted; for example, only 5 percent of institutions require Title IX investigators and adjudicators to receive cultural competency training, and just 28 percent partner with a local rape crisis center.