Wed.May 22, 2024

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Policy Matters for Black Youth Mental Health

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

In a recent op-ed, we described the present challenges Black youth are facing regarding mental health. Sadly, these statistics continue to be alarming as rates remain high in comparison to their same-age white peers. These trends stubbornly persist, which points to the systemic nature of the issue. Dr. Lauren C. Mims We focus, primarily, on systemic issues in K-12 schools as spaces where Black youth spend the majority of their days — an environment meant for their growth and development — academ

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Undergraduate Enrollment Picks Up Steam

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Undergraduate Enrollment Picks Up Steam Liam Knox Wed, 05/22/2024 - 03:00 AM Enrollment rose across regions and degree types this spring, with strong showings at community colleges. But there’s still a long road to post-pandemic recovery.


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While Spring Enrollment is Up, Experts Advise Caution

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Spring enrollment numbers are looking up across the postsecondary sector, according to the latest data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, which collects data from almost all U.S. institutions. Their new report, " Current Term Enrollment Estimates Spring 2024 ," shows that undergraduate enrollment grew 2.5% since spring 2023, which means over 359,000 more students enrolled this spring to pursue their bachelor’s degree, associate degree, or certificate.

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South Dakota Bans Pronouns, Tribal Affiliations in University Email Signatures

Confessions of a Community College Dean

South Dakota Bans Pronouns, Tribal Affiliations in University Email Signatures kathryn.palmer… Wed, 05/22/2024 - 03:00 AM Civil liberties advocates and students say the South Dakota Board of Regents’ new policy is part of a larger effort to “erase queer people from the public university system.

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Howard Joins Atlanta University Center Institutions in EDTECH Africa Initiative

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

The EDTECH Africa announcement came during a recent special Kenyan state visit to Atlanta planned to address investments for a shared future through higher education. The initiative will involve Howard University and the Atlanta University Consortium. Howard University A handful of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) is partnering in EDTECH Africa, an initiative serving as an emerging technology bridge between the institutions and African scholars.

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Live: College Leaders Testify on Capitol Hill

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Live: College Leaders Testify on Capitol Hill David Ho Thu, 05/23/2024 - 12:01 AM A House committee is questioning the presidents of Northwestern and Rutgers universities and the chancellor of UCLA about their responses to campus antisemitism and student protests. Follow Inside Higher Ed’s live coverage of the hearing here.

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Reshaping the Narrative Can Improve Life for Young Black Workers

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Black workers, particularly young Black workers, have been harmed through a narrative informed by systemic discrimination. They’re not the only ones. Latinx workers and LGBTQ workers encounter similar struggles. But there are ways to change the pervasive narrative that can help shape policies that promote a healthier working life and wealth-earning potentials for these professionals.

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Brown v. Board of Education Revisited 70 Years Later

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

A blockbuster panel kicked off "Establishing a National Agenda for Meeting the Promise of Brown v. Board: 70 Years Later," a three-day conference that featured a number of prominent educators. The convening, which is taking place in Washington, D.C. this week to mark the 70th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that outlawed segregation in public schools, was held to assess the state of Black education in 1954 and to measure the ongoing challenges to education equity over the past se

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Ultimatums and Deals for Some Remaining Protesters

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Ultimatums and Deals for Some Remaining Protesters jessica.blake@… Wed, 05/22/2024 - 03:00 AM Student demonstrations may be dwindling, but they haven’t disappeared. Campus leaders continue to respond to the encampments using a range of approaches.

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Report: Majority of College Students Feel Lonely, Many Face Psychological Distress

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Most college students have felt lonely. And a sizable portion have faced forms of psychological distress, according to a recent report from mental health nonprofit Active Minds and telehealth company Timely Care. Amy Gatto For the report, researchers looked at online survey responses from around 1,100 college and university students in February 2024, asking them about their mental health, levels of psychological distress, and concern about their mental health and that of others.

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Spring enrollment may be big relief for struggling colleges

University Business

Spring sowed enrollment growth across various credential types, sectors and student demographics, according to the latest estimates from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. It marks the first year-over-year increase in spring enrollment since the pandemic and the second consecutive semester of gains. Overall enrollment grew by 2.5%, and all but six states saw increases with Georgia leading the pack at 6.1%.

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Rochon Appointed President of California State University, Fullerton

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

First-generation college graduate Dr. Ronald S. Rochon has been appointed to serve as president of California State University, Fullerton. Dr. Ronald S. Rochon “I am honored to join the Titan community and excited to work alongside the university’s talented faculty and staff to further support the success of its dynamic and diverse student body,” said Rochon of the California State University Board of Trustees appointment.

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Alumni Spotlight: Brent’s 1971 Study Abroad Experience in Aix-en-Provence, France

AIFS Abroad

Calling all AIFS alumni : Did you study abroad in Aix-en-Provence in 1971? You won’t want to miss this! Brent, who participated in a Gap program the summer after graduating from high school, is looking to reconnect with others who were on his program. In the process of getting in touch with us, he was inspired to tell his story and offer a unique glimpse into life studying abroad in Europe in the early 1970s.

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Jackson State Faculty Member Elected National President of Association of Teacher Educator

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Dr. Jennifer K. Young Wallace has been elected to serve as president of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), the membership organization devoted to improving teacher education for school and campus-based teacher educators. Dr. Jennifer K. Young Wallace "I am deeply honored to be elected president of a national educator's organization,” said Wallace.

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The AI-Augmented Nonteaching Academic in Higher Ed

Confessions of a Community College Dean

The AI-Augmented Nonteaching Academic in Higher Ed Wed, 05/22/2024 - 03:00 AM Generative AI will bring innovations, efficiencies, creativity and effectiveness to most who work at our colleges and universities in the coming year.

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Nigerian students at Teesside University ordered to leave UK after currency crash

The Guardian Higher Education

University informs Home Office and withdraws sponsorship from those struggling with fees after drop in value of naira Nigerian students at a UK university say they are devastated after some were thrown off their course and ordered to leave the UK when they got behind on their fees because of a currency crash. Teesside University withdrew students who were struggling with their fees and informed the Home Office, after some students’ savings were wiped out when the value of Nigeria’s naira crashed

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Former U. of Arizona Student Convicted of Killing Professor

Confessions of a Community College Dean

A jury has convicted a former University of Arizona graduate student of murdering professor Thomas Meixner on campus in October 2022, the Associated Press reports.

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Mackintosh building restoration should be taken out of Glasgow art school’s hands, say experts

The Guardian Higher Education

Architectural gem has twice been badly damaged by fire and rebuild has suffered a string of setbacks The responsibility for restoring Glasgow’s Mackintosh building should be taken out the hands of the city’s art school and placed with an independent body, according to leading architects, politicians and heritage experts who have expressed dismay at the lack of progress.

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Study: Gender Gaps Persist for Female Scientists

Confessions of a Community College Dean

The number of female biomedical researchers is increasing and so is the share of grants they receive, according to a paper published in Nature Biotechnology last week. However the majority of the money is awarded to senior female scientists, leaving their younger female peers with fewer opportunities to get big grants that could advance their careers as scientists.

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EnergyBar Networking Event: Pride Month Celebration


June 6, 2024 | 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM ET | Somerville, MA More information and registration. EnergyBar is Greentown Labs ’ signature networking event that fosters conversation and collaboration among entrepreneurs, investors, corporate leaders, students, neighbors, and other climate champions passionate about innovations in climatetech and the energy transition.

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Cal Lutheran President, Under Fire, to Step Down

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Lori Varlotta, whose three-year presidency at California Lutheran University has been consumed by controversy, will step down from the role at the end of this month, the university said Tuesday.

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ACE releases 2024 update to Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education project

University Business

As the diversity of the U.S. population increased, more Hispanic and Latino, Black and African American students have enrolled in undergraduate programs over the last 20 years, according to data outlined in the report. However, completion rates have not risen accordingly—the number of Hispanic or Latino students earning bachelor’s degrees rose about 10 percent from 2002 to 2022, while the rates for white and Asian students grew even faster, widening the existing gaps.

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How Generative AI Might Change Teaching and Learning: Key Podcast

Confessions of a Community College Dean

A new episode of The Key, Inside Higher Ed’s news and analysis podcast, explores how teaching and learning experts are working with instructors to incorporate generative artificial intelligence into their work with students.

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Retiring Idaho senator to head Oregon’s community college system

University Business

The Oregon Community College Association named Abby Lee to the executive director’s post last week. Lee, of Fruitland, will relocate to Salem, Ore., and begin her new job on July 1. Lee had spent 25 years at Treasure Valley Community College in Ontario, Ore., including 17 years as associate vice president of college and public relations. Lee also recently received her doctorate in public policy and administration from Boise State University.

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Discovering community and cultural connections


A joint humanities and engineering major, senior Grace McMillan is setting her sights on a legal career focused on education policy reform. “When McMillan isn’t in class or hanging out with her sisters, she’s in the library studying for the Law School Admission Test. She is determined to use her legal education to focus on education policy reform.

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After FAFSA difficulties, Maryland college aid system down in another obstacle for students

University Business

After the troubled rollout of the new FAFSA application, students in Maryland are facing another obstacle. The Maryland College Aid Processing System website, also known as MDCaps, is temporarily down. Maryland’s higher education system cites several issues it’s facing transitioning MDCaps to the FAFSA form’s federal changes. Some problems include uploading completed MHEC One applications, inconsistencies in award amounts and errors with the document management process.

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Trends and Insights from NAGAP Impact Graduate Enrollment

Campus Sonar

The topic of graduate enrollment growth is having a moment in higher ed. With the FAFSA delays and decreasing undergraduate enrollment, expanding graduate programs feels like a quick and easy solution for many campuses. But from recent work with a client on graduate program growth, we know it’s not as easy as it seems. Our research determined it’s critical for graduate programs to align student and employer needs in today’s evolving job market.

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CCS & 313 Presents Announce Second Annual Pine Knob Poster Competition

College for Creative Study

313 Presents and College for Creative Studies (CCS) announce Illustration student Kat Sutherland as the winner of the second annual poster design competition. 313 Presents sponsors a class each fall to highlight the talents of the top illustration and design students in the country. This year’s contest included numerous participants from the CCS Illustration class led by Chair of Illustration Don Kilpatrick.

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Black Duck With Robots?

Higher Education Whisperer

Greetings from the Australian National University in Canberra where Bruce Pascoe and Lyn Harwood are talking about their new book "Black Duck". Best known for "Dark Emu", this is a personal memoir of that experience, life and traditional farming. This is part of the ANU/The Canberra Times Meet the Author series.

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Equity and Inclusive Excellence Update

Goucher DEI

As the semester ends, many changes are happening within the new Equity and Inclusive Excellence Division. Below are some changes that are effective immediately and others you will see when you return in the fall. Title IX/Non-discrimination The Office of Title IX at Goucher is committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive campus community free from gender-based violence and grounded in healthy, pleasure-centered relationship practices.

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Republicans Allege Truman Scholarship is Biased

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Republicans from the House Committee on Education and the Workforce have threatened to pull taxpayer funding from the prestigious Truman Scholarship, arguing that the merit award program for “persons who demonstrate outstanding potential for a career in public service” has disproportionately favored liberal candidates.

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A look at a unique law that makes transfer credits count

University Business

In a first for higher ed, Colorado lawmakers are taking a stab at cleaning up credit transfer loss in a new law signed by the governor this past weekend. The Institution of Higher Education Transparency Requirements , signed this weekend by Gov. Jared Polis, guarantees a “seamless transfer of course credit” by requiring all four-year institutions to compile a public report on all the credits they accept and reject, a first among all U.S. states.