Sat.Mar 30, 2024 - Fri.Apr 05, 2024

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Embracing Change: Crafting Forward-Thinking Strategic Plans for Colleges in a Dynamic Society

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

In a rapidly changing society riddled with economic uncertainties, demographic shifts, political infighting, declining workforce participation rates, rising inflation, rising attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, and a technological landscape that is evolving rapidly with deeper integrations with artificial intelligence, how is your college or university prepared to meet these challenges facing your faculty, staff, and student body?

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Meaning Behind the Screen

Dr. Josie Ahlquist

Technology and social media change at a dizzying speed, from TikTok to ChatGPT and beyond. The challenge isn’t merely to keep pace—it’s to remain purpose-driven and human-centered amidst the digital whirlwind. The rapid advancement of digital innovations offers unprecedented opportunities for connection, yet it also poses the risk of distancing us from the very essence of our humanity.

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DEI Isn’t Scary; Political Purges Are

Confessions of a Community College Dean

DEI Isn’t Scary; Political Purges Are Elizabeth Redden Fri, 04/05/2024 - 03:00 AM Layoffs of dozens of employees who previously held DEI-related roles at UT Austin leave students and the state worse off, Ryan A. Miller writes. Byline(s) Ryan A.

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How CIOs can take advantage of the AI revolution

University Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. Global Market Insights predicts the AI education market will reach $20 billion by 2027. We are also seeing educators and students adopt AI faster than previous disruptive and transformative technologies. The demand for AI extends beyond the classroom; leveraging it for enterprise-level solutions will be the next phase.

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Challenges for Higher Education: An Emerging Skills Shortage and Inequity in the Workforce

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

American higher education is called upon to serve a variety of purposes: advancement of knowledge, expansion of cultural appreciation, extending understanding of societal benefits and obligations, and preparing a diversity of students with the skills they need for a successful and rewarding life. These missions are important to the well-being of our people and the strength of our country.

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Beyond March: Supporting Women on the Path to the College Presidency

Higher Education Today

In the wake of Women’s History Month, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on the significance of our efforts to honor and uplift women. Amidst the flurry of acknowledgments and celebrations we see every March, there’s a deeper conversation to be had about how we support women on their professional journeys in higher education. We know the numbers.

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‘Running Out of Road’ for FAFSA Completion

Confessions of a Community College Dean

‘Running Out of Road’ for FAFSA Completion Liam Knox Fri, 04/05/2024 - 03:00 AM The number of students who filled out the federal aid form is down nearly 30 percent. The ramifications for access and enrollment could be devastating.


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How Data Drives Student Success

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

Students at LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City, NY. The Institute of Higher Education Policy (IHEP), a nonprofit organization dedicated to access and success for students in postsecondary institutions, has released studies of two Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) that are leading the way in student success: four-year public University of North Texas (UNT) and two-year public LaGuardia Community College in New York City.

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Creative arts courses at English universities face funding cut

The Guardian Higher Education

Education secretary Gillian Keegan will also squeeze funding for programmes to widen access to higher education Ministers will cut funding for performing and creative arts courses at English universities next year, which sector leaders say will further damage the country’s cultural industries. The cuts, outlined by the education secretary, Gillian Keegan, in guidance to the universities regulator , will also reduce funding for Uni-Connect, which runs programmes aimed at widening access to higher

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Black Scholars Face Anonymous Accusations in Anti-DEI Crusade

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Black Scholars Face Anonymous Accusations in Anti-DEI Crusade Ryan Quinn Mon, 04/01/2024 - 03:00 AM Since right-wing firebrand Christopher Rufo helped bring down Harvard’s president, at least seven more scholars—most of them Black—have confronted accusations of plagiarism or research misconduct spread by conservative media.

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How real work builds student character at these 10 Federal Work Colleges

University Business

Antioch College President Jane Fernandes was elated when she discovered her college would be formally designated as a Federal Work College by the Department of Education. The work college consortium cultivates collaboration between the universities to ensure their students are earning their degrees, paying their dues and earning invaluable, employable skills in the process.

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Report: Black Female Student-Athletes Face Lack of Diverse Support

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

While players in the NCAA Tournament were diverse, head coaches and administrators lagged far behind. That's the conclusions from the new report, “Racial and Gender Equity for Black Women Student-Athletes,” authored by Dr. Shaun R. Harper, founder and executive director of the University of Southern California Race and Equity Center. Harper depicts each team in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Tournament.

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PUC’s Biology Club: Exposing People to the Wonders of Biology


The Biology Club at PUC is all about exposing people to the wonders of biology and doing so in a way that is fun and appealing to all. Some of their events are not even biology-related but offer ways for members to take time off from their rigorous studies and have fun with fellow members. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, you do not have to be a biology major or even a science major to join the Biology Club.

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Smith Protesters Vow to Occupy Building Until College Divests

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Smith Protesters Vow to Occupy Building Until College Divests Johanna Alonso Tue, 04/02/2024 - 03:00 AM Demonstrators met with the college president but the two parties could not come to an understanding, members of Students for Justice in Palestine said on social media.

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Announcing the 2024 Roompact Bulletin Board Contest Winners!


Roompact’s bulletin board competition is now closed and we’re ready to announce the winners. We received 131 entires (!), so picking ten was incredibly difficult. Some boards did an excellent job at educating residents, while others were just beautiful! We tried to select a diverse group of winners that reflected the diversity of the submissions.

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Investing in Community Colleges

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

It’s not an everyday occurrence when a community college leader gets a phone call telling them their institution will receive an influx of funding in the millions. But such was the case at many two-year schools across the U.S. when MacKenzie Scott, one of the richest women in the world, decided to make a major investment in community colleges. Dr. Yoshiko Harden While Scott’s investment in historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) is well-documented, her contributions to community col

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Sadiq Khan pledges new Erasmus-style overseas study scheme for London youngsters

The Guardian Higher Education

City’s mayor outlines ‘internationalist’ vision in manifesto as he bids for third term in May London’s Labour mayor Sadiq Khan is to offer young people studying in the capital a new version of the EU’s Erasmus scheme of student exchanges as part of his bid for a third term. He will unveil plans under which students would receive grants and other help to study and undertake work experience, not just in the EU but other major world cities, with reciprocal arrangements for students from overseas to

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Student Interest in Gender Studies on the Rise, Despite Political Hostility

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Student Interest in Gender Studies on the Rise, Despite Political Hostility Johanna Alonso Fri, 04/05/2024 - 03:00 AM Women and gender studies programs are increasingly under legislative attack, yet the number of students taking courses is growing, a new report finds.

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TikTok’s fate hangs in the balance in the United States


TikTok is back in the hot seat and facing the prospect of a ban across the U.S. How important is the social media platform and how might universities shift their marketing activity to respond to a potential post-TikTok era?

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Professor, Journalist to Pen Book on J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar Impact

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

West Chester University assistant professor Dr. Jeremy C. McCool and award-winning journalist Earl Hopkins have announced a deal with publisher Rowman & Littlefield to pen a book about Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole. Award-winning journalist Earl Hopkins and West Chester University assistant professor Dr. Jeremy C. McCool plan to write a book about the impact of Kendrick Lamar and J.

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Alumni Spotlight: Niki’s Summer Abroad in Salamanca, Spain

AIFS Abroad

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain ? This charming city in northern Spain has so much to offer college students interested in a global education experience, and we happen to offer programs there all year round! We recently caught up with Niki, an AIFS Alumni Ambassador and a Fairfield University student who spent a summer abroad in Salamanca for the experience of a lifetime.

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Rating States’ Work on Post-College Outcomes

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Rating States’ Work on Post-College Outcomes jessica.blake@… Tue, 04/02/2024 - 03:00 AM Data-rich report from Strada shows few states have highly developed systems for career coaching, work-based learning or alignment with employer interests.

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Facility reinvestment, bogged by inflationary costs, manages upswing in 2024, report

University Business

Colleges and universities are trudging through inflationary construction costs to successfully reinvest in their existing facilities as students’ interactions with the campus community change in an ever-digitalized world, suggests data from the 11th edition of the State of Facilities in Higher Education report. Gordian, a facility and construction management leader, analyzed its extensive higher education database, conducted qualitative research on campuses and spoke with facilities servic

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Silenced Voices: Confronting Linguistic Discrimination and Cultural Erasure in Academia

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

One day, while walking to a work meeting at a university in a supposedly progressive Northeast state, I encountered a disheartening sight. A photo depicted an individual holding a sign that read: "Please Speak English." This photo was placed clearly and proudly on a mantel in a student lounge within an office that many non-English speakers frequent.

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Language, Leadership, and Authenticity: A Neuro Linguistic Perspective

The Humphrey Group

Embracing Multilingualism and Diverse Perspectives Born in Montreal with Mexican heritage, language was not just a means of communication, but a gateway to different perspectives. Between English, French and Spanish, the nuances of meaning can shift to reveal new layers of insight.

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Delaying the Inevitable

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Delaying the Inevitable Liam Knox Mon, 04/01/2024 - 03:00 AM As problems continue to beset the new FAFSA, most colleges are pushing their deposit deadlines into June. But some are still dragging their feet. What’s the hold up?

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This Colorado bill may pave the way for stronger upward transfer success stories

University Business

The Colorado Legislature has proposed a bill that would improve two- to four-year college credit transfers. Advocates of the bill believe it could become the blueprint for many other states looking to improve access and affordability of the bachelor’s degree. Bachelor’s seeking students beginning at the community college level will most likely quit before earning their degree.

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Historical Book about Conservatives and Campus Wars Has Relevance in 2024

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

While much has been written about progressive movements of the 1960s and how activism helped shape the higher education landscape — including, for example, the emergence of Black studies departments on college campuses — Dr. Lauren Lassabe Shepherd’s remarkable book Resistance from the Right: Conservatives & The Campus Wars in Modern America (The University of North Carolina Press) offers readers a look at the conservative movement of the same era and the players who would eventually emerge

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Why Device Management Programs Make Financial Sense for Higher Ed

EdTech Magazine - Higher Education

The benefits of device management are fairly straightforward. It’s a tool (or set of tools) that removes the human element from deploying, maintaining, securing and replacing the laptops, desktops, tablets and smartphones that power higher education. So, why isn’t every university IT team in the country outsourcing device management? The answer to that is also fairly straightforward: Higher education is in the midst of belt-tightening, and device management programs mean that institutions are as

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Pitzer Students Celebrate Closure of Israel Study Abroad Program

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Pitzer College has suspended its study abroad program at the University of Haifa in Israel. Officials at the California college say the program was one of almost a dozen study abroad programs shuttered and the move had nothing to do with boycotting Israel, as student activists had called for. Pro-Palestinian students are touting the program’s demise as a win; many of them had pressed college officials to close the program.

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Poor mental health among community college students linked to lower persistence rates

University Business

A working paper from the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Columbia University studying two-year students’ habits has linked mental health-related issues, such as anxiety and depression, to worse persistence rates and credit accumulation. These issues may be more pronounced at the community college level due to the array of off-campus challenges their students often have to juggle as well.

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Beyond Statements Toward Action: Maintaining the Antiracist Promise During the Anti-DEI Movement

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

In 2020, after the horrific murder of George Floyd, the world responded with declarations condemning racial violence and oppressive systems. Similarly, many university administrators, including education deans, disseminated statements illustrating their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Four years later, the pendulum has shifted.

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How Does Student Lifecycle Management Contribute to Institutional Success?

EdTech Magazine - Higher Education

A common misconception in higher education is that colleges and universities focus primarily on the success of the learners enrolled on campus. After all, that’s when they are under the care of an institution, learning in their chosen area of study, engaging in co-curricular activities and possibly living under the school’s banner. However, this is only one part of a larger student lifecycle, and as the 2025 enrollment cliff looms, it’s getting harder to attract new learners from a decreasing po

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Digital Wallets Explored as Next Generation Transcripts

Confessions of a Community College Dean

Digital Wallets Explored as Next Generation Transcripts Lauren.Coffey@… Fri, 04/05/2024 - 03:00 AM Adoption has started as employers and students place more value on skills. Meanwhile, plans for free, open-source wallet technology are picking up steam.

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College will cost up to $95,000 this fall. Schools say it’s OK, financial aid can numb sticker shock

University Business

That means a wealthy family with three children could expect to shell out more than $1 million by the time their youngest child completes a four-year degree. But the sticker price tells only part of the story. Many colleges with large endowments have become more focused in recent years on making college affordable for students who aren’t wealthy. Lower-income families may be required to pay just 10% of the advertised rate and, for some, attending a selective private college can turn out to be ch

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Walden University Settles in False Advertising and 'Reverse Red-Lining' Lawsuit

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

A class-action lawsuit against Walden University, a private, for-profit, online institution has concluded with the school settling and agreeing to pay the plaintiffs $28.5 million, pending court approval. Dr. Aljanal Carroll In the lawsuit – filed in Maryland in 2022 by national civil rights law firm Relman Colfax and the National Student Legal Defense Network – the plaintiffs claimed that Walden engaged in false advertising and misrepresentations about the costs and duration of its Doctorate in

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Introducing the Roompact Blog Cohort 2024


We’d like to introduce the Roompact Blogging Cohort for the upcoming year! Roompact hires bloggers to further increase our contributions to the field through the free dissemination of ideas and knowledge. Every year we refresh our blog cohort with new writers. Earlier this spring, we did a search for part-time bloggers, professionals who liked to.